Collection: Sign deSIGN Gallery
Our complete list of design choices! Use the sidebar or the drop-down list to sort by category or sign size.
Every SIGN DESIGN is STENCILED on the wood at the party.
You will pick every color of your sign at the party from over 30 choices.
The more detailed the design is then the more challenging it will be.
Remember this project involves wood! As you know, no two pieces of wood are alike! Grains, texture and aging/stain is different in every piece. Because we HAND MAKE these signs using pieces from various lumber, each sign will vary in color and texture. Because wood holds moisture, up to a half inch of shrinkage as it dries out is normal. But it won’t compromise the sign fabrication. You always have the option to leave it in its natural state OR paint to your style! If your project is being displayed outside or in an area prone to moisture, we recommend that you protect it using the sealer of your choice which you can purchase at any local home improvement store